World Infosec Threats


This page contains InfoSec Links to various related hacking, phishing, and malicious security threats, .

We Face a Real CyberSecurity Shortage

The Shadow Brokers NSA hack-claim unlikely say experts



China-Cyber Espionage US

Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

FBI director: We bought ‘a tool’ to hack terrorist’s iPhone

The Biggest Cybersecurity Risks in 2020

Top Cybersecurity Threats in 2020

U.S. Charges Russian Intelligence Officers in Major Cyberattacks

Significant Cyber Incidents Worldwide- Center for Strategic and International Studies

US hospitals, which are already struggling with COVID-19, are being targeted in massive cyberattacks from Russia

An online voting system used in Florida and Ohio can be hacked to alter votes without detection, researchers found

How ethical hackers are trying to protect the 2020 U.S. elections

‘Why I bought a voting machine on eBay’ – the hackers protecting US election

Hacking Voting Systems to Be a Federal Crime in US